Star Citizen Alpha 3.12.0e Evocati Patch Notes Leak

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Star Citizen Patch 3.12.0e
Alpha Patch 3.12.0e has been released to Evocati, and is now available to test! Patch should now show: VERSION 3.12.0-PTU.6643537.

It is strongly recommended that players delete their USER folder for the Public client after patching, particularly if you start encountering any odd character graphical issues or crash on loading. The USER folder can be found (in default installations) at C:\Program Files\Roberts Space Industries\StarCitizen\PTU.

Database Reset: YES
Long Term Persistence: Enabled
Pledge Copy: Disabled
Starting aUEC: 15,000,000

The current build is under NDA

Please monitor etf-testing-chat in spectrum for updates and testing instructions.

USER.cfg settings: r_displaySessionInfo = 1

Note: This patch does not contain all of the intended features, which will be added iteratively to the notes as they become available. Additionally, some features may be implemented in a partial state and as such are not ready for testing. When those features reach a playable state they will be detailed on the notes and added to the “Testing Focus”. Please issue council all issues related to those in testing focus and in general gameplay.

Testing Focus

  • Reputation – T1
  • Space Station Refinery Decks
  • Planetary Visual Improvements
  • Restricted Area rework
  • Lagrange Point Spacescaping updates
  • Elevator Panel Updates
  • Multi Tool Tractor Beam (purchasable in locations like Area18 Cubby Blast but shows at “placeholder” for now on the terminal)
  • Ship Entry Identification
  • Mining UI Refactor
  • Gemini A03 Sniper Rifle
  • Behring FS-9 LMG

Known Issues

  • Players will crash to desktop when getting out of bed or entering Area18 (Fully Avoid Area18 this build as it may cause a CTD loop requiring reset)
  • When loading in or respawning there’s a chance the player will not be able to interact with hab doors or mobiGlas
  • Map does not load correctly meaning players can fall through planet
  • Sometimes R&R Stop Elevators are duplicating
  • Player cannot suicide in EVA
  • Visor Comm will become squished

New Features


Reputation – T1

This system will introduce the first foundational system of reputation added to the game to track a player’s relationship with various entities, such as important NPCs and Organizations. This reputation is now stored in long term persistence so that it will remain through database wipes and character resets. Currently, reputation levels with an NPC or Organization are only seen through different dialogs or access to higher paying missions. We are working to add functionality to improve player visibility of reputation in a future update.

Mission Giver Reputation: All mission givers except Ruto (due to tech requirements for him being a hologram) have been updated to use the new reputation system. Doing missions for a Mission Giver will cause you to gain and lose reputation with them. They should react appropriately, playing different lines of dialogue based on your performance. If you fail too much they will fire you, and refuse to give you missions for 24 hours. The amount needed to fail and be fired is currently hyper generous and will likely be adjusted as we continue iterating on reputation.

Bounty and Assassination Missions: Many of the Bounty and Assassination mission chains have been updated to use the new Reputation System. In doing this restructure, Bounty missions were split into being given by 3 separate Organizations, each with their own reputation, all presided over by a parent Bounty Hunters Guild. As you increase your reputation with the Bounty Hunters Guild and its children, you will unlock Certification missions. If you complete the Certification Mission you will unlock a new tier of higher difficulty, higher payout Bounty Hunter missions, and if you have high enough reputation with any of the children Organizations they will offer missions from that tier to you. Also, if you watch your wallet when you complete bounty missions, you’ll notice that some organizations will include a little something extra if you are at a high reputation with them. This is the first of many “Perks” we intend to include. Assassination missions have all of the above, but there is only one Organization for them, a one man operation run by a guy named Vaughn.

Feature Updates


Unrefined Ore selling kiosk relocation

Now that we have a specific location where refining takes place in the verse, most mineable transactions have been moved there. You can still sell unrefined ore at these locations, or choose to refine them (once this is in and complete). Levski will also purchase unrefined materials

  • Lighting pass on refinery station exteriors and interiors
  • Shadow region polish pass on landing zones
  • Further Polish Pass on planet paining and assets


  • EVA binding and control QOL
    • Added roll inversion. Removed strafe inversion settings from MKB. Removed unused pitch actions in EVA action map and code
  • Updated main menu background
  • Added Origin 100 series to ship dealerships in the PU
  • Removed eject default binding from sticks and gamepads

Ships and Vehicles

  • Brought Mercury Star Runner hill strength more in line with ships in its class

Weapons and Items

  • Balance pass on all LMG FPS weapon damage, recoil, and bullet spread

Bug Fixes

  • Hit boxes for the main menu / front end buttons should no longer be offset in ultra wide resolutions
  • Party launch from main menu should now correctly pull members into the server
  • Players should now be able to sell unrefined ore to kiosks.
  • Ejecting should now properly launch the player away from the ship
  • Fixed an issue that was causing players to take collision damage when entering ships from EVA
  • Fixed an issue that was causing players to sometimes be unable to see all or some party member markers
  • Players should now see the correct cost when expediting a Nomad insurance claim
  • Players should now be able to pick up a dead AI body with the tractor beam
  • Fixed an issue where the Multi-Tool UI would get stuck in Tether Breaking state if triggered while Grappling
  • Attempting to sell minerals in prison will no longer result in a processing screen and then a transaction failed message
  • Players should now be killed when jumping over railing into smelters on refinery decks
  • Players should now be able to access the main screen on the Fine Terminals when clicking onto the “Login As User” button
  • Fixed an issue when restocking missiles/torpedoes, then storing and respawning the same ship causing the missiles/torpedoes to go missing
  • CryAstro service UI should now correctly update to reflect service was purchased without having to purchase twice
  • Display ships should now spawn correctly at New Deal in Lorville
  • Fixed pitch ladder using the wrong origin when landed at low orbit stations
  • Fixed an issue causing the Mole mining turrets to lock up and not move if powered off and back on
  • Players should now be able to rent items or components with accrued REC in Arena Commander and Star Marine
  • Fixed an LOD issue causing the Reliant series cockpits to disappear while Inside Hangars when inside the ship
  • Harvestable asteroids at ARC-L1 should now spawn as entities
  • An Arclight Pistol Battery (60 cap) should no longer appear in the Multi-Tool Attachment slot after purchasing the TruHold Tractor Beam Attachment


  • Fixed 7 Client crashes
  • Fixed 8 Server crashes
  • Fixed a backend service crash
  • Backend service stability updates

Sources and Credits

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