About TLG

So you’ve stumbled upon our site and you clicked this page because you want to know more about us. Here is it, in a nutshell:

Who We Are

We are a bunch of friends who have been gaming together for well over a decade. We enjoy gaming of all sorts, from console gaming to PC gaming to tabletop and paper games. If it is a fun type of game, we enjoy it. Gaming is our hobby but we aren’t full-time hobbyists, we have jobs, families, wives, and other commitments that keep us away from doing what we love. We are gamers that game on both time and money budgets. You could say we are realistic gamers and because of that we understand that most of our readers are in the same boat as us so we cater our content to our readers keeping in mind that they might not be able to afford a $2,500 gaming desktop setup.

We are also pretty decent writers with unique writing styles. We decided one day to start publishing articles on our interests related to video games on this site in hopes that other gamers on the web might find our content useful or otherwise informative. So here we are.

We are also all about original and creative content.  We may repost content that is available on other sites but we will provide credit where due.  We enjoy writing our own unbiased content.  We are writers that do not have an agenda fueled by an entity other than ourselves.  We will not sell out and we will continue to bring you content that is fresh from our minds and 100% original!  If you want to join in on the fun of writing original content, please check out our Write With Us page.

Our Contact Information

Perhaps you want to get in touch with us for one reason or another. Here is what we have!


Or you can contact one of our writers!
YukaE-Mail – Head Webmaster and PC Hardware, Technical and PC Gaming author
More to come!

Can you cover my product?

Yes, we can. We can write a review for new or old products and we can cover products in general. Please contact our author that most closely matches your product to work something out.

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