Star Citizen Alpha 3.12.0c Evocati Patch Notes Leak

Star Citizen Patch 3.12.0c
Alpha Patch 3.12.0c has been released to Evocati, and is now available to test! Patch should now show: VERSION 3.12.0-PTU.6620167.

It is strongly recommended that players delete their USER folder for the Public client after patching, particularly if you start encountering any odd character graphical issues or crash on loading. The USER folder can be found (in default installations) at C:\Program Files\Roberts Space Industries\StarCitizen\PTU.

Database Reset: YES
Long Term Persistence: Enabled
Starting aUEC: 15,000,000

The current build is under NDA

Please monitor etf-testing-chat in spectrum for updates and testing instructions.

USER.cfg settings: r_displaySessionInfo = 1
Note: This patch does not contain all of the intended features, which will be added iteratively to the notes as they become available. Additionally, some features may be implemented in a partial state and as such are not ready for testing. When those features reach a playable state they will be detailed on the notes and added to the “Testing Focus”. Please issue council all issues related to those in testing focus and in general gameplay.

Testing Focus

  • Space Station Refinery Decks
  • Planetary Visual Improvements
  • Restricted Area rework
  • Lagrange Point Spacescaping updates
  • Elevator Panel Updates
  • Multi Tool Tractor Beam (purchasable in locations like Area18 Cubby Blast but shows at “placeholder” for now on the terminal)
  • Ship Entry Identification
  • Mining UI Refactor
  • Gemini A03 Sniper Rifle
  • Behring FS-9 LMG

Known Issues

  • Player cannot suicide in EVA
  • Visor Comm will become squished
  • Ships are not spawning on the landing pads at New Deal
  • Account resets could fail and lead to multiple issue such as all ships being doubled in game
  • Ships carrying a vehicle can not use Vehicle Maintenance Services
  • Multiple instances of social AI can be witnessed idling indefinitely
  • The loadout manager for Star Marine has no options for the player to customise their loadout
  • Attempting to sell minerals results in a Processing screen and then a transaction failed message
  • Capturing objectives in Last Stand SM does not increase team score, resulting in a draw when timer reaches 0
  • Close range FoIP animations are not transmitting to remote clients.

New Features

Weapons and Items

New FPS Weapon: Gemini A03 Sniper Rifle
  • A versatile, semi-auto sniper rifle with the ability to fire quickly at the cost of accuracy. This weapon has an integrated scope and attachment points on the Barrel and Underbarrel. Players can currently buy this in game at Skutters in Grim HEX.

Feature Updates


  • Continued polish pass on planet repainting and assets.
  • Redrop pass on outposts and derelicts on planets to fix floating locations and objects.
  • Refinery Deck polish pass on admin office to update NPC shopkeeper placement, object placements, and usables.


  • Ordnance Replenishing – Updating Pricing of CryAstro vs Shops
    • We have now hooked up key ordnance on ships (Missiles/Chaffs/Flares) in Cry Astro/Landing service functionality to run through the shop service, allowing for proper pricing differentials between items when restocking your ships. This will also require some re- balancing for our current insurance and item prices. Overall, this is a major step forward towards getting a fully dynamic set of prices for the landing service functionality.
  • Temporary re-balance to distortion weapons pending a more extensive update later
  • Added settings option to disable / enable ship entry labels.
  • Added deadzone and some value tweaks for faceware head tracking.
  • Updated the min and max hostility times after going hostile to another player.
  • Allowed aggravated criminal damage to be auto ignored against party members and set it and Armistice Violation to a week long lifetime for the crime.
  • Added additional head tracking limits for specific seats and beds

Weapons and Items

  • Further SFX polish pass on multi-tool tractor beam audio.

Bug Fixes

  • Aggravated Vehicular Assault should no longer trigger from self destructing your own ship.
  • Manslaughter crime should now be given when crashing into people with your ship.
  • Carryable Cargo / Vehicles should no longer become detached from the Nomad Cargo Hold when it’s open or ignore collision / fall off or through the Ship when it’s moving.
  • Fixed missing entry identification markers for Nomad and Star Runner.
  • Fixed an issue causing Entrance markers to not be present until after entering a ship.
  • Outposts HDMS Hahn and HDMS Perlman on the moon Magda should no longer be floating above the planet surface.
  • Port side panel for interior elevator/lift of the Starfarer series should now have correct interaction.
  • Fixed missing collision on the wall inside the crew bathroom in the Carrack.
  • Fixed various walls and assets in Echo 11 in Star Marine that were missing collision.
  • Removed reference spheres from Refinery Decks.


  • Fixed 7 Client crashes
  • Fixed 7 Server crashes

Sources and Credits

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