Star Citizen Roadmap Update August 21st, 2020

This week was fairly productive as far as results are concerned. Players saw 3.10.1 pushed to live which brought with it a few welcomed changes such as the Hornet turret items added to in-game stores, a new targetting UI element which adds close rate in meters per second to target indicators, a large list of bug fixes, and a few other wonderful items.

Two days after 3.10.1 pushed live, 3.10.2 hit the PTU and then 3.10.2b PTU today. Both patches aim to resolve some of the ship persistence issues players are experiencing and a nasty memory leak. Both PTU patches appear to bring solid fixes to the problems but are still in testing.

The “big” news this week is CIG announced details on their way forward for the Squadron 42 Roadmap. You can check those details out here:

3.11.0 Q3 2020

The next quarterly release saw some decent work completed. Overall an 8% change was observed, bringing 3.11 to 40% complete.

  • Space Station – Cargo Deck increased by 4% bringing it to 82% complete. It now sits at 42 of 51 tasks complete. It had 1 task added to it this week and 3 tasks completed.
  • Improved Throw saw an 8% increase bringing it to 83% complete. It sits at 49 of 59 tasks complete and saw 2 tasks removed this week and 3 tasks completed.
  • Death Animation Improvements saw a 20% increase bringing it to 20% this week. It sits at 1 of 5 tasks completed.
  • The Origin 100i saw a 13% decrease this week dropping it to 56% completed. It sits at 28 of 50 tasks completed. It had 15 tasks added and 4 tasks completed this week.
  • The Origin 125a saw a 44% change this week bringing it up to 56% completed. It sits at 28 of 50 tasks completed. It had 25 tasks added and 25 tasks completed.
  • The Origin 135c saw a 44% change this week bringing it up to 56% completed. It sits at 28 of 50 tasks completed. It had 25 tasks added and 25 tasks completed.
  • The Mercury Star Runner saw a 10% positive change this week bringing it to 49% comlete. It sits at 55 of 113 tasks completed. It actually lost 2 tasks and saw 10 tasks completed this week.
  • The Behring GP-33 Grenade Launcher saw 20% completion this week bringing it to 87% complete in total. It sits at 26 of 30 tasks completed. This week we saw 6 tasks completed for it.

3.12.0 Q4 2020

December’s release saw a 7% change this week bringing it up to an overall completion of 46%.

  • Station-based Refining saw a 5% increase this week bringing it to 70% complete. It sits at 44 of 63 tasks completed. We saw 3 tasks completed for it this week.
  • Object Push and Pull saw a 40% jump this week bringing it to 40% complete. It sits at 2 of 5 tasks completed. This week saw 2 tasks completed.
  • Multi-Tool Tractor Beam – TO saw a 7% increase bringing it to 7% complete. It sits at 1 of 14 tasks comleted. 1 task was added and 1 task was completed.

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