Star Citizen Roadmap Update August 28th, 2020

This week we saw the release of Star Citizen Alpha 3.10.2 Live which fixed some long-term persistence issues. Most players who lost in-game purchased ships from 3.9 should have had them restored. Not all such ships were restored but most were.

3.11.0 Q3 2020

This week we saw a bit of change to the 3.11 roadmap.. and not change that most would consider good. We did see a 6% increase overall bringing it to 46% complete.

  • Space Station – Cargo Deck decreased by 5% bringing it down to 77% overall. It saw 12 tasks completed but 19 tasks completed this week. It now sits at 54 of 70 tasks completed.
  • Improved Throw increased by 1% bringing it to 84%. We saw 1 tasks completed this week. It now sits at 50 of 59 tasks completed.
  • Death Animation Improvements increased by 5% bringing it to 25%. We saw 1 task removed this week. It now sits at 1 of 4 tasks completed.
  • Elevator Panel Updates was moved to 3.12. According to the official Roadmap Roundup this was moved because the majority of the level designers are hard at work on the Cargo Deck and likely will not have the time to complete both the Cargo Deck and the Elevator Panels for branch day.
  • Missile Operator Mode was removed from the roadmap and slated for early 2021. Likely in line with the release of the Esperia Talon Shrike. Expect this to be merged with further missile gameplay optimization. Sad Gladiator noises.

3.12.0 Q4 2020

The 4th quarter update saw a decrease in overall progress of 4% bringing it down to 39%.

  • Elevator Panel Updates was moved from 3.11 to 3.12. This card shows no progress from last week. It sits at 0 of 11 tasks completed.
  • Multi-Tool Tractor Beam – TO saw a 7% increase bringing it to 14% completed. We saw 1 task complete this week.It sits at 2 of 14 tasks completed.

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