Star Citizen Alpha 2.6

Star Citizen Alpha 2.6 released

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Star Citizen Alpha 2.6 released late last night and brought with it a wealth of new content for players to experience. While the bulk of the update was mostly behind the scenes for the engine – the foundation of the game itself – players can now experience Star Marine, the long awaited first person shooter arena.  Check out the Star Citizen Alpha 2.6 Gameplay Trailer!

In addition to the first person shooter game mode, players can also fly 4 new ships plus 4 variants of existing ships, new flight model that aims to bring back the game of flight combat, first person combat mechanics, and a slew of ship balances.

The patch notes are quite large and demonstrate the vast number of new features as well as bug fixes that 2.6 brings to Star Citizen.  The controls for the game have also changed so be sure to check out our article for the Star Citizen Controls for a printable reference sheet!

If you experience the Star Citizen Patcher Issues that others have been, be sure to check out our how to guide to fix it!

Be careful out there!  Not every Star Marine is made equally!

Here are a few great screen shots from Star Citizen Alpha 2.6



And some screenshots from the sneak peak of Squadron 42:

🚀 Curious about what Star Citizen is all about? 🚀
Dive into the ultimate beginner’s guide at and start your journey among the stars!

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