Friday Night Gaming with Yuka – Episode 1

So the first week was really more of a trial and pilot episode.  Not much went on and I was flying solo.

I started off with a wealth of Diablo III.  I explained my Wizard build, which unfortunately is my only build.  I just can’t get into the other builds or characters.  I don’t know why.  They just do not interest me.  Face it as I have, I’m a weird gamer.  If you want to a decent article I did that explains the basis of my highly effective build, I wrote an article about it a while back.

I tried to move onto Star Citizen but had patching issues.  In truth, later on after the stream I determined that my entire Star Citizen install was bad and had to repatch from the beginning, which was a huge download and definitely not something to sit and wait on while running a live stream.  Oh well, maybe this week we will see some Star Citizen.

I then tried to play FTL and failed miserably.  No, I was actually doing well.  Problem is that the HDMI capture process doesn’t like not receiving the video input at 1080p, which is higher than what FTL runs at.  So there was no footage from FTL.  I’ll have to readjust and see if I can get that to work smoothly in the future.

I then jumped into Star Wars The Old Republic.  I’m kind of upset that the game’s challenge increases at around level 10, unless the player has a subscription.  It really seems like I’m locked out of a lot as a free player.  I’ll give it another shot.  Maybe I just need a group to play with.

I’m still encoding the final edit of the episode and it won’t be up until later this weekend – sorry I have been busy with work.  I’ll update the version of the episode that is embedded on this page once it is uploaded to YouTube and has finished processing.

On YouTube Live Streaming

I thought it was pretty nifty.  I’ll be using it again tonight for the scheduled stream but I’m going to stick to using Twitch for random and unschedule streams.  If I had the hardware, I’d stream to both to make it easy.

I don’t see an easy way to embed the chat from the YouTube channel onto the video like I do with Twitch.  I’m undecided on the importance of that for the live stream but it may be a problem for archival purposes.

One thing, I did notice that there was an odd audio problem later on in the stream.  The audio sounded like it was being fast forwarded the entire time.  I don’t know if it was apparent during the live stream – none of the viewers said anything in chat.  It may have been an issue with YouTube recording the stream but my money is on my capture server having problems.  I’ve changed up how I capture audio a bit and tonight’s episode will serve as a test of my theory.

Tonight’s Episode of Friday Night Gaming with Yuka

As for this week’s episode of Friday Night Gaming with Yuka, it will be tonight… on Thursday.  This is because of my personal life – as I mentioned in the first episode, my personal life comes first.  This Friday I will be celebrating Valentine’s Day with Mrs. Yuka.  Sorry, she comes first!

I have one guest lined up so far and I’m still hoping for more.  If you are interested in joining us whether for playing games with us or just chatting on TeamSpeak, please hop onto our teamspeak 3 server by connecting to TS.THELONEGAMERS.COM – I’ll see you there!

Games that are loaded and ready to be played are:

  • Diablo III
  • ArmA 3
  • FireFall
  • PlanetSide 2
  • Star Wars: The Old Republic

I have Kerbal Space Program installed but the mods I use are definitely not updated to the current game version and I don’t believe I’ll have time to make that happen before we go live with tonight’s episode at 8 PM.

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