DigitalOcean is Awesome is hosted on a DigitalOcean Droplet.  We wouldn’t host our website here if we didn’t think DigitalOcean is Awesome.

We not only host our website on such a server, but our forums and TeamSpeak 3 server are also hosted on the same server*.

Guess what?  Our server only costs us $5 a month.  Pretty awesome, right?  How much would it cost to host a website that sees thousands of visitors daily, a forum and a TeamSpeak 3 server elsewhere?  I don’t have that answer for you, but I can guarantee it is more than $5 every month.

If you’d like to know more, click the banner below.  (If you subscribe, it helps us out, too.)

DigitalOcean is Awesome

*Yuka is some kind of mythical genius being when it comes to server configuration. Depending on your configuration and usage, you may need to subscribe to a more powerful Droplet. We can’t provide support in any way for server configuration. We are only telling you how awesome DigitalOcean is.

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