Ant Simulator cancelled

Booze and Strippers gets Ant Simulator cancelled

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The Ant Simulator title has been cancelled.  It would appear that the game we were all looking forward to has lost to booze and strippers.  Ah the joy of indie game development.

In a video by the lead programmer, Eric Tereshinski, he explains the circumstances to make Ant Simulator cancelled.

It would appear that booze and strippers was the root cause.  His “friends”, who were also associates on the Ant Simulator project, weren’t friendly enough to invite him along when they spent the money earned from crowdsourcing on various degrees of debauchery.

This comes as a huge setback to the ant sim community, who have been patiently waiting for a solid release since Maxis debutted the niche-genre with SimAnt in 1991.

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2 Replies to “Booze and Strippers gets Ant Simulator cancelled”

  1. David P

    And that dear friends is a prime example of why you should not ‘donate’ (i.e. hand over your heard earned money) to random kick-starter campaigns (and I could name a few).
    “I cannot have my career associated with these guys” Too late I’m afraid he has now proven he lacks the minimum of management skills, not being able to choose reliable partners, for putting ‘trust’ into business partners, signing agreements without proper legal advice and not being able to/be bothered to monitor business funds and the actions of staff/partners.

    “I am very pissed off I lost money” Not half as pissed off as the folks who invested I bet, these are the ones we should feel sorry for. Although it is a shame that such hard work and dedication has led to this debacle it should act as a lesson to all that starting up/running a business is not as easy as making a kick-starter account, hope he does better for himself in the future, harsh lesson 🙁

    • Yuka

      Thanks for dropping by and speaking your mind. I share the same sentiment.

      I’ll have a piece related to this topic published sometime later this week. It talks about the state of the game development industry and compares it to that of the industry in 1982-84, around the time of the video game market crash of the 80s.

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