You won’t believe what ISIS is doing with Battlefield 4

US intelligence sources have confirmed rumours that the terrorist group ISIS has been using Battlefield 4 to train and plan for a full scale invasion of the US homeland.

Players of the popular military-themed first person shooter have been complaining of players speaking arabic causing problems and ruining their kill-to-death ratios with eratic driving, blatant team killing and general negligence when it comes to safely utilizing in-game weapon systems and equipment.

A private match between ISIS members was successfully tapped last month by US intelligence operatives.  Members of ISIS in the game were using it to teach younger members how to shoot and reload.  Leadership in ISIS were planning for an assault on a small city using the map in the game saying “Americans are so dumb to put matching cities into video games like this.  Now we have the perfect plan to take control of the city!”

The Department of Defence has not announced any plans to make an official effort to combat ISIS in this new front.  However, US Army Private Michael Warrant told us in an interview, “I play Battlefield 4 at night after work, on the weekends and sometimes on my lunch break.  I usually have a pretty good kill-to-death ratio against these guys.  I really feel like I am making a difference in the world and defending freedom.”

operation_game1This isn’t the first time a terrorist organization has used a game to train their members.  In 2004 a secret Taliban training camp was discovered.  The camp’s focus was to train medics and doctors.  The camp had been using the board game Operation to teach surgery.  Hasbro rapidly removed Arabic from the instruction manual but the damage had been done according to records found at the camp indicating over 1,000 had been trained with the game.  A huge blow to the Global War on Terrorism at the time.

Electronic Arts has gone on record by confirming a new expansion pack that will be sold in stores and online that will feature ISIS-specific content in order to allow the ISIS members to feel more at home.  This new expansion is on a rapid release schedule and is set to ship shortly after Thanksgiving this year in order to maximize sales during the holiday season.

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