Planetside 2 Game Update 13 Patch Notes

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Planetside 2 Game Update 13 Patch Notes

General Game Updates
Automated Server Recommendations
Recommended servers work well to funnel new players on to the servers that could use the extra population, but we need to make that process smarter and automated. We made some improvements in GU12, but there were still some more things that we thought would be useful to do. As such, we’ve made the following improvements to the way this works on the backend:

  • The recommended server surfaced at character select is now automatically chosen based on these criteria, in order:
    • Empire Population – favoring the server with the lowest percentage average population for the empire selected in the last 24 hours
    • Server Population – favoring the server with the lowest overall population for the last 24 hours per region

These changes should have no direct impact on players beyond the effects that come from providing more responsive recommendation system.

Alert Experience
Alert empire rewards are now proportional to the amount of time you participated in the alert. Only characters that participate throughout the entire duration of the alert will receive the full empire reward. This participation time is specific to individual characters (i.e. it’s not account-wide).

Improved Respawn Logic for Lattice-Enabled Continents
Updated facility respawn options to fall in line with the following:

  • All friendly facilities within one lattice-link to the region the player died/redeployed, including the current region.
    • If there are multiple friendly linked facilities then the player can respawn at any of them.
  • Nearest Major Facility (Tech plant, Bio lab, Amp Station) by lattice-links, if not already satisfied by #1
    • “Nearest” is determined by lattice link distance from the player’s current region.
  • The player’s faction Warpgate Facility

The above is in addition to any reinforcements needed, Sunderers, and squad spawn options that may be available. No changes have been made to those spawn options. No changes have been made to non-Lattice enabled continents.

These changes should allow players to always fall back to any linked friendly facility. It also allows players who have multiple access points to a region to respawn at any of those access points. All players in a region can always fall back to their nearest major facility (if they have one) as a local rally point or for access to vehicles.

Interactive Tutorial Changes
The following changes have been made to the Interactive Tutorial:

A few more seconds have been added before the Tutorial starts after entering the zone. This is to allow more time for loading and avoid situations where the tutorial skips too far ahead.

The equipment terminals have been removed from the mini-spawn room at the Redeploy step. These were unnecessary and distracted new players.

The spawn door shield has been changed to hostile and now blocks progress at the Redeploy step. This shield functions like the shooting range shield and will drop automatically when players respawn.

A teleporter has been added to the beginning of the Tutorial as a shortcut to the mini-spawn room. This teleporter only appears when players reach the Redeploy step. This is to give players who accidentally spawn at the start of the tutorial a quick way back to the mini-spawn room. If this occurs the tutorial will also direct the player to that teleporter and halt further progress of the tutorial until the player returns to the mini-spawn room.

The Redeploy and Instant Action toggles can no longer be cancelled while in the Tutorial. This is to prevent accidental cancellations of instant action and redeploy if a player happens to hit it twice so they can see it is a countdown and not instantaneous.

The Generator Overload and Warpgate terminal steps now detect when a player is in a vehicle and updates the floating help to show the Exit Vehicle keybind in case the player missed how to leave the vehicle in the previous vehicle driving step.

The Warpgate Terminal floating help text has been updated to provide better instruction to the player.

The ammo depot waypoint now points to the Ammo Depot itself instead of the road in front of it.

Improved the freshness of the continent population check at the Warpgate Terminal step. This should reduce chances where players are directed to a continent with a queue. The tutorial will highlight the continent with the highest population without a queue for that player’s faction.

XP Changes with Suicides
When an enemy soldier dies from a suicide or logs out, the last player to damage the player (within 10 seconds) will be awarded the kill. This also applies to characters inside of vehicles.

New in the Depot
New Weapons

  • NS-7 PDW SMG: This SMG has a lower damage drop-off than all the other SMGs, allowing it to perform well at short and medium ranges. Its low recoil and very quick center speed (fastest in the class) allow those with good burst control to extend its range even further.
  • NC LA3 Desperado Pistol: This 2x burst pistol has a fast burst but slower overall rate of fire. The fast burst mixed with moderate damage makes this pistol a solid choice at close range, though low accuracy will limit its effectiveness at range.
  • TR TS2 Inquisitor: Equipped with an extended magazine by default, this pistol gives the TR a solid all-around option that has very high sustainability and damage output per magazine.
  • VS Cerberus: High upfront damage mixed with an above average rate of fire for that damage class makes this pistol a good choice at close range. Low accuracy will limit the pistol‘s effectiveness at range.

New Camos
Seven new camos now available, including the Grey Scales Camo in the Early Access section.

New Bundles
Our most popular camos are now bundled together at a reduced price

Get our most popular loadouts for each vehicle and infantry class with new Pro Bundles

New Vehicle Cosmetics

  • 3 new Vehicle Decals
  • Glow in the Dark ESF cockpit glass decals
  • Hood Ornament and Decal Price Reductions
    • Hood Ornaments are now 50 SC, except for the FX versions which are 100 SC
    • Armor Decals are now either 100 SC or 300 SC
    • Vehicle Decals are now either 300 SC or 500 SC

Infantry Updates
VS Audio Overhaul
VS Infantry Weapon fire audio was redone based on community and internal feedback. This includes audio for the Assault Rifle, Carbine, LMG, Sniper Rifle, Pistol, Rocket Launcher and Lasher, as well as suppressed variants for each weapon type.

IFF Reticule
The hip reticule will now turn red when hovered over an enemy that is within 8 meters.

The above color change will not happen on cloaked Infiltrators.

Pistol Balance Adjustments

  • NS-357 Underboss
    • ROF increased from 200 RPM to 220 RPM
  • NC4 Mag-Shot
    • Minimum damage increased from 100 at 65 meters to 112 at 60 meters
    • Long reload time is now faster at 1.9 seconds, down from 2.0 seconds
    • Short reload time is also faster at 1.6 seconds, down from 1.7 seconds
    • Fixed FB variant having a slower projectile speed than the normal version
  • LA8 Rebel
    • Maximum damage range increased from 10 to 15 meters.
    • Minimum damage increased from 125 at 65 meters to 143 at 60 meters
    • Long reload time is now faster at 1.8 seconds, down from 2.0 seconds
    • Short reload time is also faster at 1.5 seconds, down from 1.7 seconds
  • TX1 Repeater
    • Max damage now starts scaling at 8 meters, decreased from 10 meters
    • Minimum damage is now reached at 50 meters, down from 60
  • TX2 Emperor
    • Maximum damage range increased from 10 to 15 meters
    • Minimum damage increased from 84 at 65 meters to 112 at 60 meters
    • Long reload time is now faster at 1.8 seconds, down from 2.0 seconds
    • Short reload time is also faster at 1.525 seconds, down from 1.7 seconds
    • Aimed accuracy loss per shot increased from 0.1 to 0.12
    • Hip accuracy loss per shot increased from 0.2 to 0.24
    • Fixed stand hip accuracy and crouch-moving hip accuracy being swapped
    • Projectile speed increased from 375 to 390
  • Beamer VS3
    • Stand hip accuracy improved from 1.5 to 1.0.
    • Crouch-moving hip accuracy reduced from 1.25 to 1.5.
    • Minimum damage increased from 84 at 65 meters to 100 at 60 meters
  • Manticore SX40
    • Minimum damage increased from 100 at 65 meters to 112 at 60 meters
    • Long reload time is now faster at 1.9 seconds, down from 2.0 seconds
    • Short reload time is also faster at 1.6 seconds, down from 1.7 seconds
    • Fixed stand hip accuracy and crouch-moving hip accuracy being swapped

Optics Alignment Pass

  • VS Carbine scopes used to be slightly off center to the right in iron sights. They should now be dead on.
  • All SMG scopes had the same issue, but to the left. Corrected these as well.
  • NC Mag Shot and Rebel iron sights have also seen minor corrections.

Ammunition Cert Line Adjustments
All classes other than HA and MAX should have the following costs on the Ammunition Belt cert lines across all factions:

  • Rank 1: 1 CP
  • Rank 2: 10 CP
  • Rank 3: 100 CP
  • Rank 4: 1000 CP

Heavy Assault should have the following costs on the Ammunition Belt cert lines across all factions:

  • Rank 1: 50 CP
  • Rank 2: 500 CP

Cloak Shader Changes
The low graphic settings cloak is now less grey and more transparent.

Advanced Shield Capacitor Delay
Advanced Shield Capacitor’s delay reduction improved to -4.0 seconds at max rank.

  • Rank 1: Recharge delay reduction increased from .5 to .8 seconds
  • Rank 2: Recharge delay reduction increased from 1 to 1.6 seconds
  • Rank 3: Recharge delay reduction increased from 1.5 to 2.4 seconds
  • Rank 4: Recharge delay reduction increased from 2 to 3.2 seconds
  • Rank 5: Recharge delay reduction increased from 2.5 to 4 seconds

Infantry Explosives

  • Improved explosives so they perform better against nanoweave equipped players
  • All faction Frag & Sticky Grenades
    • Increased inner max damage radius from 0.5 to 1.0 meters.
  • NC Bouncing Betty & VS Proximity Mine
    • These now animate and play audio before detonating.
    • Internal maximum damage radius increased from 0.5 to 2.0 meters.
    • Minimum damage now drops to 200 at 6.5 meters, up from 10 at 6 meters.
    • Activation time after being placed increased from 1.5 to 2.0 seconds.
  • TR Claymore
    • Added audio when claymores trigger.
    • Maximum damage increased from 1275 to 1300
    • Internal maximum damage radius increased from 1.5 to 3.0 meters.
    • Minimum damage is now 350 at 6.5 meters, up from 10 at 6 meters.
    • Activation time after being placed increased from 1.5 to 2.0 seconds.
    • NC Bouncing Betty, VS Proximity Mine, TR Claymore, & all faction Tank Mines
  • Throw time increased from 0.250 to 0.650 seconds.

Enemy explosives can now be spotted.

Added new spot icons for the following:

  • AV Turret (both facility and Engineer deployed)
  • AI Turret (both facility and Engineer deployed)
  • Facility AA Turret
  • All Vehicles
  • Tank Mines

Bug Fixes

  • T7 Mini-Chaingun will no longer display 1st person animation issues when moving around while aiming down sights
  • Fixed a bug causing 1st person firing animations to stop if the player paused firing while moving
  • Fixed an exploit allowing medics to revive players that suicide for experience
  • Corrected an issue preventing fire mode selections from persisting through death
  • Red dot scopes will no longer reset position on the rail after resupplying
  • Fixed a bug causing the first C4 explosion of a gaming session to not play any audio
  • Fixed an issue causing all scopes that mention: “Hold Sprint key to steady aim” to display text errors in the tooltip
  • Fixed a bug causing incorrect footstep audio to play for all surfaces
  • Underbarrel grenade launcher projectiles should no longer penetrate spawn shields
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